Seasons of Love

Decorative Ideas: Various season of the year. During this devotional, present the bride with a potted flower such as a miniature rose.



When you think of the season of spring, what comes to mind?  Can you picture new plants fighting their way to the surface, tiny flowers
dotting the garden, or maybe the gentle rains and occasional storms?    Everything in spring is fresh and new and exciting. Just as
spring is a time for new things to grow and blossom, so is the spring time of a marriage a time for new love to grow and put down

According to the book
The Passages of Marriage, this two year period of spring in a marriage is time for a couple to mold into one family.
Genesis  says, “A man shall leave his mother and a woman leave her home and the two shall become one.”  This is the period where
the couple has to examine the roots they came from and figure out how to become one new flower, united, that will glorify God.


Summer days are marked by warmth and growth. Plants flourish under the summer sun. Alarmingly hot days often sap our strength
and challenge our attitudes. Thunderstorms strike with intensity.  

In the summer of our marriages, life heats up and we learn what realistic love is. Couples who have been married three to ten years are
usually in this season of marriage.   You may find out that your spouse has some really annoying habits and you have trouble being the
kind of wife God calls you to be.  The tender new love is transformed by the heat of hectic lifestyles, building careers, and having
children.   The heat of the summer of marriage is where the rubber meets the road.  Financial problems, problems with your parents,
day to day living, and even crisis of faith, can put stress on the relationship.  As the thunderstorms of the summer season hit, couples
sometimes start to ask, “Did I make a mistake?  Did I choose the right person?  Could someone else have made my life happier?”

The challenge, then, is not only to endure the heat of summer, but also to flourish in it.  Recognize that God is stretching you to help you
grow as a couple and hang on to love after reality strikes.  God can and will help you grow closer together during this time.  Fight
boredom with creativity, childproof your marriage with time for each other, and take time to discover what strengths God wants to grow in
the two of you as a couple.  Eph. 4:14 says to “Speak the truth in love”  A couple that learns how to be honest with one another and,
more importantly, can do so in love, is well on their way to weathering the summer of marriage.


A myriad of colors assault our senses in the fall.  The trees explode in color.  Cooler temperatures refresh us and we find ourselves
turning more and more towards thoughts of home and family.  

There is something refreshingly familiar about fall.  In the fall of a marriage we learn to take pleasure in a steadfast love.  Having
weathered through the summer, a couple who has been married from eleven to twenty-five years is now discovering that joy in deep
devotion to one another.  

Just as the trees fill with color, so does the fall of a marriage.  You see new beauty in your spouse as your recognize their admirable
qualities.  Together your marriage begins to fulfill God’s purposes as you work together to create a Godly home.  

There is also one other inevitable thing that happens in the fall.  The leaves from the trees drop and swirl to the ground.   In the fall of
your marriage, many things may change as dramatically as this. Body parts begin to sag.  Children grow rapidly and you’ll find yourself
facing the reality of teenagers.  Your parents may face a health crisis or even die. Demanding careers and busy lives may mean you find
yourselves feeling alone and barren as the trees at times.  

In the fall of a marriage, the couple should find strength in their steadfast love.  Weathering life together is a joy in itself and wonderful is
the knowledge that you are the world to someone else.  In the autumn of marriage, allow the fruits of the Spirit – love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness – to be the pallet that colors your garden.


Winter is a study in contrasts.  The weather outside is cold and cruel, but falling snow and ice clinging to branches in the morning sun
is often beautiful to view.  Likewise, while it is freezing outside, we can nestle inside our homes, warm and cozy.  

The winter season of marriage occurs when a couple has been married from 26 to 35 years.   It is a time for renewing love.  After years
of focusing on the all the outside things of life, raising a family, and establishing careers, it is time to renew the warmth inside your

The couple in the winter of their marriage may sometimes feel cold and alone, especially if they have neglected their own relationship
and focused on their children.  However, this feeling will melt away as they rediscover their friendship and spend time nurturing their

Winter couples must fight the possibility of taking each other for granted.  With familiarity, sometimes a person becomes careless with
what they say. Harsh words drive an icy wedge between the two of you.  Prov. 15:1 says, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh
word stirs up anger.”

In the winter of your marriage, find warmth in your renewed love.  Fight the cold of aging together. Weather the winter storms with your
lifelong mate.  2 Cor. 4: 16-17 tells of Gods promise for a winter couple “Therefore, we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are
wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.  Four our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal
glory that far outweighs them all.”
Christian Wedding Shower Ideas
After searching book stores and on the internet for wedding shower ideas and devotionals for Christian couples, I came up empty
handed time and time again. So, I started writing some fun devotionals to use for bridal showers. Below are two that I've used:
"Seasons of Love" and "Partner Pie."  Decorative suggestions are also provided.
Partner Pie

Decorative Ideas: This devotional can lend itself to western themed decorations complete with bandanas, cowboy hats, and checkered
tablecloths. The items presented to the bride are listed in the devotional.

Devotional:  In keeping with our theme, today’s devo is called “Partner Pie.”  We are going to give you the recipe for this ultimate
experience. Whether you’re soon-to-be married or you tied the knot years ago, take a look at the recipe for “Partner Pie.” When baked
with prayer, 365 days a year, nothing is sweeter.

1. First, you need a good foundation.  The only foundation for marriage is based on loving, serving, and honoring God together as a
couple and in your family.  Decide, like Joshua did in the Old Testament, and say, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

2. Next, you need the bottom crust, which in Partner Pie, represents your commitment or covenant that you will make with each other
before God.
(Present package of pie crust.) It is also a reminder that after God, to put your spouse first.  Love for each other cannot be
what you build your marriage on because feelings change from day to day.  However, the promise you make to one another on your
wedding day is a great basis on which to build.  God takes covenants very seriously.  Deut. 7:9 says, “Know therefore that the Lord your
God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his
commands.” Will your children’s children look back at your lives and say that you kept your covenant of love?

3. Now, it is time to add some filling.  Pies can be made out of many different ingredients, everything from apples to sweet potatoes, but
we could think of no better filling for Partner Pie than the fruits of the spirit.  We’ve divided them into three sections.
Love, joy, and peace (Present a different pie filling for each three read.) –These first three fruits of the Spirit will bless you marriage with
contentment.  It may take a life time to discover, but watch to see what makes your spouse feel loved, what brings them joy, and what
puts them at peace.

Patience, kindness, and goodness ( Present second filling) – These three fruits of the Spirit will bless your marriage in the way you treat
one another.  Your real test of love will show in the small, day to day differences like who likes to be on time or whether the toilet paper
goes over or under.  You may find it challenging to be kind to a mate who is not focused on meeting your needs right now or good to
one who has hurt you, but giving patience, kindness, and goodness shows your love in ways words never can.

Faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. ( Present third  filling.) – These last three fruits of the Spirit will bless your marriage with a
sense of security and respect for one another.  Faithfulness says “I have chosen you over all others, and I belong to you and you alone.”
Gentleness says, “I love you so much about you that I will chose my words carefully.” And self-control says, “I will put my needs, wants,
and desires second to yours.”  By blessing one another with faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, your life stands as a constant
reminder of your promise to love, honor, and cherish.

4. Pies aren’t good without a few more things.  You need some spice (Present spices) which represents romance in our pie.  Without
romance, marriage may get dull.  Be creative and adventuresome.  Your pie will also need some sugar. (Present sugar) This
represents laughter. Laughing together is one of God’s greatest gifts to us so take advantage of it.

5. Finally, you can add the top crust.  This seals your Partner Pie with promise and keeps the filling in.  Note the top of the pie is vented.  
This way some of the aromatic fragrance of the pie can escape for the world to smell.  It also allows for a partner to let off steam once in
a while without destroying the whole pie.

6.  To finish your Partner Pie, bake it with prayer, 365 days a year.
One easy shower
present the bride
with a piece of
advice about
marriage. These
pieces of advice
can them compiled
in book along with
scriptures and
photos of the
bridal shower.
-Inspirational author and speaker